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Thursday, November 24, 2011


This one is a tough one and I had some doubts about whether or not I should even address this issue, but the Spirit would not let me rest until I obeyed and exposed it for what it really is. So many men. and yes. women, are hooked on this despicable affront to the human soul and it is destroying them, eating them alive, possessing them and in general hurting so many people they come in contact with. It is one of those topics that always seems to get swept under the carpet. Oh, we don't talk about that because it is demeaning to the Christian way of life, or we are to run from the presence of evil so we should not get caught up talking about it because it just gives place to the devil. I say hooey to that. Let's address it now!!! Too many are hooked and they are not even aware of what they are hooked on. What it leads to. Who it hurts and how it affects their soul.
I just want to take a moment of your time and give you the ABC"s of what porn really is and see if maybe it will jog you into rethinking what you are doing. For those of you who are not into this habit or you are disgusted by it, will you do me a favor. I really feel the Spirit leading me to talk about this so I am going to ask you to pray with me, sincerely pray, not just an ascent to pray, I mean really pray for the deliverance of those who read it. I follow the statistics of this site closely and I get hits on this site from, Nigeria, China, Russia, Spain, Latvia, Netherlands, Australia, USA, Canada, Great Britain to name a few and that means people from all over the world are reading this. (I wish I knew who they were so we could connect and have a one on one, that would be super!) But it also means that they will be the beneficiaries of your prayers. Pornography is not limited to the USA. It is a world wide scourge. So please pray as I address it in the best way I can.
Melvin Anchell A.D. said, "The ecology of human sexuality is as essential for survival as the ecology of the earth." The last thing I want to do is simplify the whole idea of pornography. However, I will be as brief as possible and to the point without belaboring the issue. I want to get straight to the point. So, let's just call it, "The ABC'S Of Porn."
"A" Abuses Women: Pornography abuses women. All pornography insults women and leaves them with labels such as, Bunny, B--ch, and or Butch. It is an affront to the beauty God created starting with Eve. 
"B" Brutalizes Men: Pornographic images stimulate men's brute sex urge and teaches them violence in seeking satisfaction.
"C" Corrupts Children: Pornography violates young bodies and minds which in turn warps the future healthy sexual relationships they might otherwise have.
"D" Degrades Sex: Pornography separates love from sex. Pornography lies about sex by showing humiliation and hurting as pleasurable. Pornography encourages sexual behavior that is characteristic of perverts. For example, Child Pornography, Sado-Masochism, Bestiality, Necrophilia, Adultery, Prostitution, Sodomy and the list gets worse!
Many hooked on pornography are like frogs! Yes, I said 'frogs'. Scientists discovered that frogs dropped into a pot of hot water jumped out immediately, but, if frogs were put into cold water and the temperature of the water was raised slowly, the frogs just sat there and cooked to death because they could never decide at what point the water was too hot. Many are like those frogs in the pornography water which is getting hotter. When will you jump out?
WHAT CAN WE DO? We can do the four "P's".
(1) PROTEST: We can protest the pollution of pornography. Speak up. Protest and protest some more. All that remains for evil to flourish is for people to say nothing. So say something. Address someone that has the issue. Help them. Protest pornography.
(2) PRESSURE: Pressure the purveyors of pornography for action. Make them hear your voice. Pressure the merchants, the media, the churches and the societies that engage it, the legislators, government officials and advertisers. Pressure them to bring and end to the smut.
(3) PRAISE AND SUPPORT:  Praise clean shopkeepers and buy from them. Praise courageous officials that stand against pornography. Praise organizations that fight this pollution. Support groups like Morality In Media, Women Against Violence In Porn And Media, and any other group that will stand firm against it.
(4) PRAY: Last but certainly not least, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!
Thanks for taking the time to hear me out and I trust you will pray for those who may be hooked. Pray for their deliverance and for their eternal soul. Have a blessed day. PB
NOTE!!!  Remember to take a look at my new ebook, "Why Adversity". Go to....... 
Your support is appreciated.
Thanks for your input. Pastor Coutts

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