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Thursday, April 25, 2013


“Wherefore God hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name
(Philippians 2:9).

To many people, Jesus is just another person who is the subject of a painting, a poem a statue or a song. But those who have heard His voice, who have felt His pardon for their sins, or who have received His benediction, to them He is music, warmth, light, joy, hope and salvation.
He is a friend who never forsakes, a friend who lifts us up when others try to push us down. We cannot wear Him out as we pile on our grief’s and troubles. He is always ready to lift us up and help us out. He addresses with the same love ; He beams the same smile and shows us compassion.

There is no name like His. It is more inspiring than Caesar’s name, more musical than Beethoven’s name and more conquering the Napoleon’s name. It is more eloquent than Demosthenes’ name and more patient than Lincoln’s name.

The name of Jesus pulsates with life. It weeps with pathos, groans with all pains, stoops with all love and the breath of His name is far better than any perfumes.

There is no one who can pity like Jesus or who can welcome a prodigal home like Jesus, or make a drunk sober instantly or turn a street woman into a queen for Jesus.

Who like Jesus can catch the tears of human sorrow in a bowl and save them for a time of need and wipe them away in an instant?

I struggle with trying to find a metaphor that would suit Jesus. He is not like an orchestra making all that wonderful music, that would be too loud and it could be out of tune. I don’t think He is like a sea or the waves crashing into the shore in all their fury because that would be too  boisterous. He is not like some far off mountain with all the lightening flashing around it or the snow capping it’s top. I would think that would be too solitary and remote.

No, I picture Him as the.....
“Lilly of the Valley"
"The Rose of Sharon"
"The Bright and Morning Star"
"The Altogether Lovely One.”
 But more to the point.....  I picture Him as THE SON OF GOD!
I hope you took the time to listen to the song in the video and that it touched your heart. My goal is to encourage you to get closer to the Lord.
Let me know.  Pastor Bob Coutts

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