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Wednesday, May 29, 2013


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Perhaps the most needed area in church ministries today is Bible training. Paul instructed young Pastor Timothy to preach the Word, not preach about the Word. The lack of biblical knowledge among today's believers is astonishing. And, at the same time, it appears, at least to this pastor, that there is a great "want-to" to learn the Word by parishioners. Why do I say that?
Wednesday nights, when I had a solid hour to teach the Word, the attendance was good but could have been better. Still, I believe people do want to learn the Bible and that’s why the faithful came.
The responsibility is clearly on church leadership to provide the training, the responsibility on receiving it is on the congregation.
Why is such training important? Because according to Hebrews 11:6; we cannot please God without faith. Where does faith come from? Romans 10:17; "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." The more of scripture a person truly knows, the more faith is generated in his or her heart. So much of today's church world is geared to music and worship.
Certainly those are positive virtues, but we also must have solid expository preaching and strong, strong teaching of the Word.
I suspect if pastors would spring a surprise test on biblical knowledge in a Sunday morning service, they just might be shocked to see how few of their congregants could truly pass it. Such a showing might be a clear reason why some of those dear people have a problem with their faith.
Make yourself available to the teaching God is providing and your faith will build.

 Pastor Coutts

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