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Saturday, October 1, 2011


It has been a long time since I talked to you about being in God's house during the weekend. To so many, Sunday is just "another day" of the week. That is a tragedy, and certainly an affront to God who has commanded us to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Someone will surely write and say, "But Sunday isn't the Sabbath; Saturday is." If you are living in the Old Testament, you're right. But since the resurrection of our Lord Jesus, "on the first day of the week," Christians for the most part have observed Sunday as the Sabbath. I sometimes hear from folks who claim they don't need to be in church. That's like saying you don't need to eat, or go to a doctor, or take care of your body. And the souls of these dear people are starving to death. Why go to church? To participate in corporate worship of our Lord. To enjoy the fellowship of other believers. To have our faith lifted by hearing the Word of God faithfully proclaimed from the pulpit. To participate in giving so that others may have access to the Gospel. It is not just an "occasional" visit to God's house either; it is that constant life-long habit of faithful adherence to God's command, "Neglect not the assembling of yourselves together." My friend, no matter how you rationalize your not going to church, you are harming yourself and doubtless grieving God. Not liking a particular church or failure to appreciate its pastor does not eliminate our need to be in faithful service on the Lord's day.  I encourage you with all my heart: Be in church this Lord's Day. And make it a faithful habit. Blessings, Pastor Bob

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