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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


You can believe this statement as a statement of fact. "God has committed Himself to honoring His Word." Here is His promise..."My Word shall not return to the heaven's void." And yet most of us in church leadership roles appear to offer less promising menus to our hearers. Music is fine, just as a needed building is. Church government is described and required in Scripture as well, so you can't knock that. The fellowship of the believers is a wonderful activity as well that is a needed function. God bless all of these things, but what about the actual inspiration of the Word itself.
How much do followers of Christ actually know about the contents of the Bible? How long could the typical believer talk about God without repeating their thoughts? Two minutes? Ten, maybe? How much do we know about the patriarchs? The Kings? The Prophets and the Priests? What do we really know about Paul's Missionary journey's? Can the average believer discuss the Book of Revelation with any credibility? Can a typical Christian give you a true synopsis of the life and teachings of Jesus? If the answers to these questions are "no" or "maybe," then perhaps we need to get back to the basics.
Here is a revolutionary thought: Let's give the pastors and the teachers more time to impart the Word. Let's start highlighting the urgency of Sunday School and Christian Education and Bible Studies. If we do not, we are short-circuiting the very thing God committed Himself to honor, "His Word." And we will certainly be less than effective in "making disciples," as Jesus commanded.
Is it worth a try? Send me your thoughts.
Pastor Coutts

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