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Thursday, October 1, 2015


If you have ever read the Parable of the good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) you realize it is one of the best moments found in the Bible. In it is the story of a man who was walking along a road minding his own business and he is attacked and nearly murdered by thieves and they leave him for dead. Then along comes some of his fellow countrymen and they just ignore him. But one man, a Samaritan who is considered by everyone else to be no better than an outcast and an enemy and he is the one to help out the beaten man. Go figure!

The whole idea of this parable is to teach all of us that it is our obligation to help anyone in need and not just to help relatives and friends. I think many miss the last few words of the parable that seem to sum up the lesson quite nicely. At the end of Christ’s illustration He says, “You go, then, and do the same.”

It seems to me that in those very few words, Christ seems to add a completely new dimension and a profound lesson for us to learn. Christ is reminding us that those of us who exercise our belief are the ones who please God.  I would guess that each one of us when we rise each day it is with the intention of doing good and being the best we can be but usually by day’s end we have been distracted so much that we cannot really see all the hurt, pain and strife around us.  Our jobs, our families, our personal activities, which in themselves are all good and right, seem to distract us from being that ‘Good Samaritan’.

In this passage of Scripture at hand, each person that walked by probably had their own personal reason for doing so. One may have had an appointment he needed to get to and the other may have been concerned that if he stopped to help, he might become a victim of those same robbers who may be still lurking about. Isn’t that usually the way? We all, like these men, seem to find excuses to look the other way and ignore the plight of the needy.

It is here that we need to see that there comes a time in our lives that even the best intentions are not nearly enough. When we reach that point we need to show our faith in a tangible way rather than just think, “Oh, I don’t have time” or “I can’t right now”. We need to be examples and our actions show us as examples.  Right here is where we need to hear the words of Jesus Christ and also the admonition of the apostle James. James said, “Do not deceive yourselves by just listening to God’s , Word; instead take care that you put it into practice.” (James 1:22;)

Jesus said, “You go, then, and do the same.”

Pastor Coutts

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