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Friday, August 28, 2015


Don't you think it gets a little tiring when you see people ignoring the elderly. What I mean is, we have a population that is rife with elderly and by and large they are being ignored. Many of them live right next door. Many of them are lonely. Many of them are in need. Many are ill or infirm. Yet today we live in a very unsocial atmosphere. With the advent of social media there are less and less people who actually go out and interact with others. That being the case  it follows that people don't have time for personal contact and many miss out on opportunities to help out those who maybe less fortunate than themselves. I think everyone should take at least one or two hours a week to visit,help, serve, or give to an elderly person. A very simple act like a conversation can make their day. Not only that, but it will even give you a sense of satisfaction for having done so. Why not pick an elderly person to do something nice for today. You will be blessed.                                                                 (If you have a comment, click below and thanks in advance. If you would like to support this ministry in any way, please click the donate button at the top right of this page. Thank you and the Lord Bless You.) 

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