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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Land Of The Euphrates"

           The Bible prophesied, war in the “Land Of The Euphrates.” And, war is continuing in the “Land Of The Euphrates,” that is, the war in Iraq, which is in the “Land of the Euphrates.”
           We all thought this war was over, but it is not. As a matter of fact, it is escalating with ISIS terrorizing that neighborhood. Are we winning the war on terrorism or are we losing the war on terrorism. “Right now, we don’t know for sure!” But, we do know this. . .The end is NOT in sight! What lays ahead is a far greater challenge than what is behind us.
            Iran is determined to possess nuclear weapons and the United States and Israel are just as determined to prevent it.
            North Korea claims that she already has nukes and the ability to deliver them. Meanwhile the United States is insisting that North Korea give them up.
            Taiwan wants to be free from the claims of ownership from Mainland China. China says she will go to war before allowing Taiwanese independence.
            Many who study prophesy have a great advantage as they look into the future of such events. These prophecy students know that the Bible plainly foretells a war that kills one-third of mankind.
            And we know that the war will originate in the Land Of The Euphrates.” This war that is prophesied to kill 2 billion people should stir within us a new urgency. An urgency to win as many souls to Christ as is humanly possible before it is too late.
            I for one do not believe that God wants us to sit idly by while 2 billion souls are prophesied to die ‘Christless.’
           The question is not if it will happen but when will it happen. And, knowing that time is short, we ought to be about our Father’s business with a greater diligence than ever before.
           If each one would take the time to share the Gospel and those who hear it do the same and so on, and so on, we would see many saved from the awful fate about to come on this earth.
            Let’s do what we can!

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