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Sunday, September 20, 2015


I have been studying a lot lately about the Rapture of the church. There is so much controversy and so many scoffers that it made me delve into it a little deeper. I have been born again since I was eleven years old and serving the Lord as faithfully as I can for over 40 of those years. During that time I have never wavered nor doubted that Christ was coming back soon. I even wrote my Doctoral Thesis which was titled. "THE END-TIMES : A Study to Reaffirm the Anticipated Return of Christ,". While I was preparing the thesis, I was worried that Christ would return before I finished it. That anticipation has never left me. I feel it should be the same way people should feel right now. He may return at any time. After a long and arduous study as to whether it is true or not, I settled on this excellent you tube video which sums up my findings in a few short minutes of watching. I must warn you, and turn your speakers up loud as well, I must warn you that in the middle of the video you should get the message. Watch with anticipation and may I suggest to you today, If you do not know Christ as Savior, then invite Him into your heart today and ask Him to forgive you of your sin and be Lord of your life. I close with this...I will see you later, either here....or there (Heaven). God bless you.


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