Thanks For The Visit

Thank you for stopping by. I trust you will find helpful and encouraging information and discussions on this site. Care to comment? Click on the comment button after an article. You can also click on this link and it will take you to my author page where you can view the works I have put together on your behalf. I hope they encourage you. Thanks again and be blessed, He is coming soon!

Monday, October 5, 2015


This is just an added comment to my regular posts. Have you ever met someone that has something to say but they have to hide who they are  to say it because it is critical or they want to try to get under your skin with their hidden snide remarks but really don’t want you to know it’s them so they do it under a cloak of secrecy.

Maybe they are just insecure or maybe the thing you said or wrote about really got to them and the only way they can compensate for the conviction they feel is to come up with a remark to try and get under your skin and deflect that conviction back at you.

Well I want you to know I think that is great! I think it is great because what it means is you are making an impact in their lives. The only reason they do it the way they do is because of the conviction they feel. 

I have constructed this blogsite for the express purpose of encouraging and instructing people the best way I know how. In some cases, I am sure I will step on toes. That is part of learning and I don’t do it to be nasty or get a rise out of people, I do it in hopes that it will help them.

The results I am getting from this site are encouraging. Just look at the view counter on the home page. People are looking for direction. Some are convicted. I have the comments to prove it. I don’t post many of them simply because they are way too negative and take away from the message. They don’t serve a viable purpose so they do not get published.

I love it when you post a comment, but it will be moderated before I allow it on the site, so please be careful in how you phrase your statements. Be constructive, not destructive and I will put it on the site. Thanks.

Lord, help me to do what you have called me to do. I dedicate this site to you. 

Pastor Bob

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