Please do not be offended by this post. It is something that needs to be addressed and it needs to be addressed as directly as possible. Many, no, millions are hooked by this terrible scourge on society. Many do not know the way out either. Unfortunately the lure of the lust it creates causes so many men and women to stay in it's bondage because they are not really aware of what the goals of pornography really are. I hope to, in a few short concise words give you who may be unaware of what or why you are caught up in it, to expose it in a few short terms.
The ABC's of Pornography are...
A...Abuses women. Pornography is an insult to women (and men). The images portrayed are a direct insult to the beauty God created in each male and female. Women in particular are reduced to 'bunny' 'bitch' and 'butch' rather than 'mother', 'wife' and 'friend'.
B...Brutalizes Men...Pornography images stimulate men's brute sex urges and teach them violence in seeking satisfaction. There is not thought or concern for the woman, it is all about release and self gratification.
C...Corrupts Children...Pornography violates young bodies and minds, warping future healthy sexual relationships.
D...Degrades Sex...Pornography separates love from sex. It lies about sex by showing humiliation and hurting as pleasurable. It encourages sexual behavior characteristic of perverts.
Pornography hooks customers with the lure of sexcitement and then cooks them in ever more degrading themes such as, Adultery, prostitution, sodomy, child porn, incest, sadomasochism, bestiality and orgies.
People that get hooked on porn are like the proverbial frog in a pot. Scientists discovered that frogs dropped into a pot of hot water, jumped right back out right away. But, if frogs were put into cold water and it's temperature raised, the frogs would cook to death because they could never decide at what point the water was too hot. Many today are frogs in the pornography water which is getting hotter.
When will they realize they are 'cooking' and jump out?
What can we do to alleviate the problem of pornography?
Protest: Protest the pollution of pornography. Be loud in our resistance and speak out against it.
Pressure: Place pressure for action on those who produce this garbage. Merchants, media, churches, societies, legislators, government officials and advertisers all need to hear your voice.
Praise and Support: Praise and support 'clean' shopkeepers. Praise and support 'courageous' legislators and elected officials. Praise and support organizations that fight this pollution.
If you are one who is hooked on pornography, there is a way out. That way is faith in Jesus Christ. He told us to be holy because He is holy. That should be incentive enough but it can only happen if you open your heart to Him. Do it today. Invite Him in to be your Savior today and His holy Spirit will help you with the rest. If you want to talk to someone on how to be free, talk to a local pastor or you can contact me (through this blog site) and I would be glad to speak and pray with you.
Pastor Coutts
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The ABC's of Pornography are...
A...Abuses women. Pornography is an insult to women (and men). The images portrayed are a direct insult to the beauty God created in each male and female. Women in particular are reduced to 'bunny' 'bitch' and 'butch' rather than 'mother', 'wife' and 'friend'.
B...Brutalizes Men...Pornography images stimulate men's brute sex urges and teach them violence in seeking satisfaction. There is not thought or concern for the woman, it is all about release and self gratification.
C...Corrupts Children...Pornography violates young bodies and minds, warping future healthy sexual relationships.
D...Degrades Sex...Pornography separates love from sex. It lies about sex by showing humiliation and hurting as pleasurable. It encourages sexual behavior characteristic of perverts.
Pornography hooks customers with the lure of sexcitement and then cooks them in ever more degrading themes such as, Adultery, prostitution, sodomy, child porn, incest, sadomasochism, bestiality and orgies.
People that get hooked on porn are like the proverbial frog in a pot. Scientists discovered that frogs dropped into a pot of hot water, jumped right back out right away. But, if frogs were put into cold water and it's temperature raised, the frogs would cook to death because they could never decide at what point the water was too hot. Many today are frogs in the pornography water which is getting hotter.
When will they realize they are 'cooking' and jump out?
What can we do to alleviate the problem of pornography?
Protest: Protest the pollution of pornography. Be loud in our resistance and speak out against it.
Pressure: Place pressure for action on those who produce this garbage. Merchants, media, churches, societies, legislators, government officials and advertisers all need to hear your voice.
Praise and Support: Praise and support 'clean' shopkeepers. Praise and support 'courageous' legislators and elected officials. Praise and support organizations that fight this pollution.
If you are one who is hooked on pornography, there is a way out. That way is faith in Jesus Christ. He told us to be holy because He is holy. That should be incentive enough but it can only happen if you open your heart to Him. Do it today. Invite Him in to be your Savior today and His holy Spirit will help you with the rest. If you want to talk to someone on how to be free, talk to a local pastor or you can contact me (through this blog site) and I would be glad to speak and pray with you.
Pastor Coutts
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