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Friday, July 3, 2009

LOVE IS FOR LOSERS, (or is it?)

I have learned that you can learn a lot about a person by some of the T-Shirts they wear. Some are just downright nasty which says much about their attitude, and some are very obscene which speaks to the condition of their spirits. Then there are others who are literally trying to make a statement. Some legitimate, others because of a wound or hurt in their life. Still others want you to know how they feel about life. I saw a person wearing one the other day that said, "Love Is For Losers". Maybe that person thought it was clever or provocative or maybe even funny. But one look at the face and you could feel the hurt from that person and it seemed like they were trying to tell you that they had been jilted or left alone after a relationship went sour. Rather than risk being hurt again, they donned a T-Shirt with their message that screamed , "Leave Me Alone."Is love for losers? The fact is, when we love, we take risks. People could very well hurt us, disappoint us, or even leave us. Love can lead to loss. The Bible, though, challenges us to higher ground in loving others. In the infamous love chapter, 1 Corinthians 13: Paul describes what it means to live out God's kind of love. The person who exercises God's kind of love does not do it for personal benefit or gain but rather... "bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." 1 Corinthians 13:7;. Why? Because godly love endures beyond life's hurts by pulling us relentlessly toward the never diminishing care of the Father. So, perhaps love is for losers, because it is in times of loss and disappointment that we need God the most. Even in our struggles, we know that "love never fails." Won't you accept His unfailing love today.   Blessings. Pastor Bob 

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