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Sunday, August 21, 2011


A while ago, 'Sixty Minutes' a CBS News show, ran a segment on 'Geek Squads'. And for the record the term is not a derogatory term, but rather it is a term used by some of the most brilliant and up and coming technologically minded people of our time. It is a group of people who know computers inside out and because they know so much, they offer their services to repair computers everywhere. For we, the 'Golden Oldies' of our time, technology is growing so fast that it is almost impossible to keep up to the changes. Nowadays, you can buy a computer controlled refrigerator, toaster, water filter and even a commode! The refrigerator by the way can keep inventory of the food you have in it and the time you ran out of a certain item. The computer calls the grocery store and orders the foodstuffs for you, all you do is go and pick it up when you are notified by telephone or email that your order is ready. That is just scary! I have a couple of computers. One at home in my study and one at the church in my office, not to mention a laptop. I use the three of them primarily for word processing. The three of them seem to delight in driving me nuts. I have tried changing settings, backgrounds, adding programs etc., but in many cases, to no avail. What's that? Read the manual you say! Have YOU tried reading the manual? It is written in 'computerees' that bears little or no resemblance to any normal language normal humans read or speak. So...where is my Geek?

You know, sometimes we in the church make the Gospel as complicated as a computer. We speak in terminologies that the un-churched are not familiar with and cannot understand. The Gospel should be simple. You know, John 3:16; which is made up for the most part of single syllable words. If the Holy Spirit can keep it simple, why can't we. I would write a little more on this subject today but my computer just put a message on the screen that says I need to install a 'gazorninplat' or something like that.
Let's keep it simple!
Pastor Robert Coutts

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