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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Philippians 4:7; says, "The peace of God...will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus". What person would not want that kind of peace?  The 18th century author Samuel Johnson was noted for his wit, sensitivity, and his encyclopedic knowledge. He found solitude depressing. That is why he often took home the poor and homeless so that he could be surrounded by people. He also confessed that he had a deep fear of dying. An Encyclopedia Britannica article, however, speaks of Johnson's "zest for living." It characterizes him as a "Christian Moralist" with a strong conviction of the reality of sin and of redemption provided through faith in Jesus Christ. It also says that "his faith prevailed," because when he knew he was dying, "he refused to take any medications because he prayed that he might render (present)his soul to God unclouded." The article concludes, "Few men have left finer examples of the art of living than Samuel Johnson." I have known many believers with a disposition like that. Most of them went through repeated cycles of joy and gloom. And when they were down, merely quoting Bible verses helped a little because they were already aware of them. But they kept living for God and praying, and their faith prevailed. The "peace of God" filled their hearts (Philippians 4:7;). That's good news for all of us, especially for those who go through times of doubt and despair. It has been said, "Whenever the darkness grips your soul, And you are tempted to despair, Remember Christ's unfailing love, And trust His faithful care." When life is filled with shadows, face the sunshine of God's love. I hope you have a blessed day. If you have a comment or a testimony relating to this subject, please feel free to post it. I will review it of course before it appears.  Blessings to you. Pastor Bob 

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