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Friday, May 3, 2013


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     We Have All Asked, "When Lord"?
     How many times did the hearts of the Israelites get excited as they found a new leader who they felt may be the coming Messiah. When it was found out that person was not Him, excitement disappeared and disappointment set in. But in spite of the long wait and many speculations, the Messiah finally did come, and as human nature is, He was rejected.
     For thousands of years what was an elusive promise became a reality only to be rejected. Today, we too look for many to be Him and we look for many to be the Antichrist as well.
     How many false Antichrist’s have we had? Napoleon? Mussolini? Stalin? Adolf Hitler? Henry Kissinger to name a few, but that does not mean that the Man of Sin will not finally come.
     The prophecy teachers told us that Israel would become a nation again and in 1948 on May 14th, it happened. David Ben Gurion told the whole world “The name of our Jewish state will be Israel.”  At that point many Bible Scholars minds raced.. Now, They said, “The Second Coming Is Surely Near.” But, true to form, every thing returned to normal. The fanfare died and people went about their business.
     Then came the six day war in 1967. That’s when the prophecy students got on the bandwagon. “If Israel reunifies the city of Jerusalem, the rapture will take place”  they said.  Days later, Israel crossed the barbed wire fence and raised the Israeli flag over the Temple Mount for the first time in 2000 years. But, The rapture did not happen! And things returned to normal once again.
     The next event was Yassar Arafat shaking hands with Yitzhak Rabin on the lawn of the White House confirming the Oslo Accords. Do you suppose this was a confirmation of the covenant, have the final seven years of Tribulation begun?  NO! Not yet!
     Now, they are putting computer chips under the skin. There is even what is called a ‘sub dermal chip’ which is voluntarily (for now) placed under the skin and you can use it to down load cash into the chip and buy stuff at a store by swiping your hand across the store card reader just like a debit card.
     The Temple Institute in Israel has recreated all the furniture and the utensils needed for the resumption of temple worship. The ashes of the Red Heifer have been refined and are ready. The Sanhedrin has been reestablished after 1600 years. Back in February 2005 the Temple Institute held discussions about the proposed location of the prophesied Third Temple. Jews the world over were being asked to send in a portion of their earnings to help pay for the rebuilding of the Temple.
     2013 is here and still, no rapture! Why hasn’t He come back yet? It’s simple! “It’s just not quite time yet!
     But know this for sure: The One who promised to come the first time kept His Word. The same Messiah promised to come a second time and again, He will keep His word.
     “For yet a little while, and He that shall come will come, and will not tarry.” Hebrews 10:37;

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