What has happened has become somewhat of a side show. An effort made on both side to see who can discredit the other the best. In so doing a deflection is occurring. We are being deflected away from the issues that affect us. It is an attempt to distort the process and appeal to the baser sides of people’s lives.
Well, this election is more than a choice between two candidates. Americans are making a choice between two very different political parties, two very different views of government, two very different Supreme Courts, and two very different futures for our country. Please note and be aware…one of the candidates is much more consistent with biblical teachings than the other.
Therefore the choices made in this election will affect more than just the Supreme Court; they will have a significant impact on religious freedom, abortion, gender identity regulations, the military, terrorism, border control, foreign affairs including Israel, taxes and the economy, health care reform, energy, and racial tension among other issues. Much is at stake during this election, and it will affect future generations who are born into this country and those who become citizens.
But do not lose hope. It is right for Christians to have influence in the government, whether through their vote or leadership. Remember, the Apostle Paul urged believers to pray for good government in 1 Tim. 2:1-3.
“But if we are to pray for good government, shouldn’t we also vote for good government when we have the opportunity? If I were you, I would be deeply reluctant to simply walk away from the process in disgust, or vote for a write-in candidate in order to register a protest against both parties. If all the Christians in the country decide not to vote for either candidate, our rulers will then be chosen entirely by non-Christians, many of whom will increasingly use the immense power of government to promote evil, silence Christians, and oppose Christian values in every area of life. This is the opposite of what Paul told us to pray for in 1 Timothy 2:2.”
As Christians we should not be fearful or discouraged. We should continue to pray, being mindful of what Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon long ago: ‘The Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom he will’ (Daniel 4:17).”
Whatever the outcome, God will be in control—He will be working in the world as He always has and is. We can find comfort in God’s sovereignty that God doesn’t work around our choices but through them. Job 42:2 says that God’s plans cannot be thwarted by humans.
No matter what happens this election, God will still be God and His plan will continue through humanity’s choices. We can trust Him at all times because we need Him at all times. We need God just as much on our best day as we do on our worst.
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