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Friday, October 21, 2011


Acts 13:45; says that 'when the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with envy.' Wow! Envy is destructive! Envy is a consuming fire of hate. Did you know that envy is that feeling of resentment that builds up in one person because of the qualities, position or possessions another has instead of the envious one? Envy is the desire to have that stuff for yourself. In Genesis 30:1; Rachel envied Leah because Leah had children and she did not. Joseph's father showed him favoritism so his brothers resented (envied) him, Genesis 37:11; And in the verse I gave you above, The Jews opposed Paul's preaching for the same reason, envy! Acts 13:45; When another holds an advantage over one, the feeling of envy is triggered. Intelligence, good looks, popularity, a good job and even when a person has spiritual insights above the other, these all produce envy or the temptation to at least harbor envy. And do not be fooled. Even the most devout Christian is not immune to the way envy can creep in. When the famous preacher FB Meyer was holding evangelistic meetings in Massachusetts there were very large crowds who came to hear the strong messages. But then the renowned preacher from England, G. Campbell Morgan came across the big pond and began preaching as well. Because of his great oratory skills, the crowds were soon flocking to hear him instead. Yes, FB Meyer was envious, but he found the remedy. He said, "The only way I can conquer my feelings of envy is to pray for Morgan daily, which I do!" So, the solution is, first recognize and confess the envy to God and second, if it hangs on begin praying for the other person! Here's the conclusion. If you want to root out envy from your life, then start to rejoice in the good qualities the other person has or is displaying instead of wanting them for yourself. You will in effect be saying, "ENVY, BEGONE!'

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