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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Are You Ready?

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Looking at the state of the world, it's hard to be encouraged. But as world news gets worse and worse, more people are turning to the Lord for solace. According to some reports as many as 175,000 new believers are born again every day. But, mostly they are in Africa, China, and India. Reports of these conversions are accompanied by accounts of miracles. People receiving supernatural healings and even being raised from the dead. Just as He did at the beginning of the church Age the Holy Spirit is moving mightily at its end. I believe the Lord is issuing a giant "last call" before He suddenly takes the church out of here to begin the End Times judgments. Signs are given as indicators for us and they are  in the Olivet Discourse (Matt 24:, Mark 13:, & Luke 21:) As you know, most of the signs in the Olivet Discourse are progressive and all are described as happening well before the end. Their main interest to us is found in the phrase "beginning of birth pangs." Natural disasters, the tendency toward war as a tool of diplomacy, famine amidst plenty (35,000 children die each day of starvation and related diseases) and pestilence are described as being common to this age. But they are increasing in frequency and intensity as the end approaches. This is certainly the case now, and it is an indicator of how close we are to the end. It's true that for over 100 years folks have been saying, "how much worse can it get?" Sadly, the answer now as it was then is, "much!" It seems man's depravity knows no limits. But take heart. Though we are in the world, we are not of the world. We don't belong here, being citizens of heaven. And one day soon our long awaited King will return to take us there.  Are you ready? Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior? Do it today and be ready. He is coming soon.

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